Monday, December 21, 2009


In DFO you can upgrade your weapons and armor to enhance it's abilities.

From +1 to +6 armor grants an additional percentage of damage reduced, weapons grant bonus attack power that bypasses defenses.
From +7 and higher, armor will provide a flat damage reduction of 1 and higher. Weapons start o increase the additional damage by larger amounts.

The problem is that you can fail upgrading, and it's pretty expensive to start with. If that weren't pain enough fron +1-+7 failing an upgrade will lower the level by one. +8 - +10 a fail will cause the item to drop back down to level 0. From +10 and higher the item will be DESTROYED upon a failure.

The bonuses for having a +11 +12 or +13 item are pretty impressive, but the risks to get one are very high monetarily. You can also buy items from other players that are already highly upgraded, or you can get them out of item pots, but it's rare.

Sure Did Snow

I have 18 inches of snow on my car. When I take my dog out he has to leap and bound through the snow, it's adorable. Last night I took my Mom's car out to a big parking lot nearby and did donuts in the snow, more like swirls than donuts.

apparently the college is still open, which is insane, it's gonna take me an hour and a half to get there without crashing >.<
Maybe they'll close it later... I'm really not looking forward to rush hour in the thick snow.

Dungeons and Fatigue Points

DFO uses a system that limits the amount you can play a single character in a given day, it's called fatigue. every character starts the day with 156 Fatigue Points, every time you enter a dungeon it costs 1 FP, and entering a new room in the dungeon costs 1 FP too.

This makes people wonder if it's more efficient to use their FP clearing every room in a dungeon or rushing straight to the boss. Usually it's more efficient to rush to the boss, even though full clears provide a bigger bonus at the end. The big exceptions are quests and when you're almost out of FP. Some quests require you to go out of the way for a particular monster, and when you'll run out of FP even if you rush the boss it's more effective to full clear

Bit by a Dog

On a note completely unrelated to DFO, I got bit by a dog last week.

When i first approached the little guy, named Sarge, he woofed and barked and generally made a great fuss, as I ignored him, he became more accustomed to me and let me pet him and licked my face and all that good dog stuff.

Whilst i was sitting down he kept hopping into my lap shuffling about, it was quite amusing really... then all of a sudden, this dog, who had lulled me into a false sense of security, snatched the cell phone out of my pocket and leaped under the couch. I darted up and tried to grab my phone, but the little bastard took a bite at my hand and got me good.

After about 5 minutes of people dashing to and fro and some animal abuse on the part of the owner, i recovered my now dented phone and washed my hands

I was warned after all this that the dog steals cell phones and bites... a bit late.

I still have a little puncture wound scab on my hand =(

Nexxon is Greedy

Nexxon.... is not well liked for their customer support, it's really quite lacking most of the time.
Nad they're greedy, the cash shop proves that if nothing else. The problem lies in DFO being free to play but with a cash shop, some features that feel like they should be free cost you money, and that's a bummer.

The most egregious offender is the the Item Sale Stall. It costs equivalent to $4 in Nx and is practically required in order to afford good weapons and armor. It works like this, you set up shop in town and set prices for up to 14 items in your shop, people passing buy can click your shop and buy things for the marked prices. The problem is that a lot of people have shops, and good weapons and armor can cost a LOT of gold, so you need a Sale Stall to buy things from other Sale Stalls and it all puts cash into nexxons pocket, really. The only way to sell things without a cash shop is to manually hawk your wares in town and open up trade screens with people and haggle over prices, it's really hassle if you have a lot to sell.

Other MMOs have auction houses or free trade stalls, maybe paid for with in game money, but for the sole purpose of making a buck there is no auction house and you must purchase the ability to set up a stall. All of this wouldn't even be so bad, but the stalls expire every 30 days, so you have to spend another $4 to keep the cycle going.

The Mythic "Priest Patch"

DFO is still in Open Beta, meaning it's not yet complete. The Priest class, for example, is missing it's fourth sub-class, Avenger. Several other priest classes are missing a few skills also, like exorcist and monk.

Supposedly, at some point in the future, we will get the same patch that eastern DFO got to fix priests. It will reset skill points for all priest subclasses I believe, and grant new skills to each of them. It is unclear right now whether Avenger will actually come out with this, since apparently it's not out in DFO china either.

Priests aren't the only class to get love with this patch though, word on the street is that a lot of classes are going to get some new skills, new graphics for skills, and tweaks to existing skills. when it comes along it should really show the game evolving and balancing itself out, the proof of Beta in action.

Hopefully it won't come with 24 hours of downtime, like the last few 'upgrades.'

GBL = Generated By Lucifer

The GBL set of dungeons; Branch, Lab, and Hatchery, are largely considered to be the worst dungeons in the game. The quests are all repetitive and time-consuming, and the bosses are the hardest up to that point. The exp you get from these dungeons is worse than those that are lower level and easier. Some parties literally cannot put out enough damage to kill the Hatchery boss.

Having just gotten my summoner up to 35, I headed to GBL with the hope of quickly pounding out some GBL quests. Unfortunately, there is almost never anyone in the GBL channel "Coastal Junction," and usually not many people there in other channels. After aboutt 15 minutes of waiting I got into a party and cleared the first GBL dngeon, Branch, twice. I did about 15 more runs and only completed about 7 quests, i still have an almost full quest log for GBL dungeons.

Nexxon already lowered the experience required to level in this game by about 75% in the last 22 weeks, but GBL still feels like an endless grind, just because the quests are so repetitive. If you can afford it I highly recommend unlocking the Chamber of Blood in behemoth, starting with the quest Mercellus' Journal at lvl 36. It's much faster and easier to level to 37 and unlock storm peaks in Chamber of blood than GBL.