Monday, December 21, 2009

Lordy Lordy Help Me I'm Forty.

The current level cap in DFO, in North America at least, is 40. In the Korean and Chinese versions the current cap is 60, but we're still in beta and as such stuck with 40. The problem is there's really not that much to do at the current cap.

Oh sure, you could indulge in Player Versus Player combat, but that's not my personal cup of tea. You could do the quests you've got, even though you lose the exp, maybe you'll find a +5 SP book?


All these options are pretty lackluster really, PvP seems to be what most people do, and you get a new quest to pvp at level 40. Personally I've been trying to farm the highest level dungeon available, Spider Cavern.

The Boss of spider cavern is pretty easy as a blade master, you can Triple slash behind him when needed and Wave Wheel Slash when he super armors. It's getting to him solo that's the problem, the normal monsters in the area are absolutely brutal. the Ghouls cause poison when you back-attack them, the Lady Specters have a nasty grab and a punishing ranged attack, and the spiders.... are actually pretty easy to kill, even the poison spewing ones.

So I started grouping to do spider runs, depending on the group it can go really well or really chaotically. I've found Nen Masters, Berserkers, Brawlers, and Spitfires to be extremely powerful here.

So far i've only found a handful of greens and a Flesk Steiner Light Saber, but i hear there's pink drops from the boss.

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